Als artists in residence tijdens het Festival D’Art of Huy 2013 (BE) begonnen Mahsa Vahdat & het Quentin Dujardin Trio te werken aan een nieuw repertoire gebaseerd op gedichten van Hafez & Rumi. Die samenwerking lokte enthousiaste reacties uit bij het publiek, iets wat de Belgische radio (RTBF) niet is ontgaan: hun 1ste uitverkochte concert werd door hen opgenomen.
Dit is allicht één van de spannendste muzikale projecten van Quentin, wiens gitaarspel onbegrensd lijkt terwijl Mahsa Vahdat de nuances en fijngevoeligheid van haar wonderlijke stem met hem deelt.
Lied na lied lijkt een nieuw tijdperk zonder grenzen te weerklinken waarbij elke afstand wordt overbrugd. Samen nodigen zij jou uit om te genieten van een groot moment van schoonheid, stilte en oneindige ruimte.
Quentin Dujardin / Born in Dinant (Belgium) in 1977, Quentin Dujardin entered the world of classical music very early with his father, who was an unconditional fan of organ music (Bach, Franck, Messiaen, Duruflé, etc.).
His way of living music connects this movement to delicate production based on listening and mixing sounds from around the world. In this way Quentin Dujardin gives himself the pleasure of accumulating experiences with the same rigor: total devotion to his art. Thus, to discover the range of this guitarist remains a unique experience for everyone because the roads that lead you to him may be many.
He has worked (studio/live) in collaboration with a long list of artists, including Iva Bittova, Toots Thielemans, Jef Neve or the Californian producer Lee Townsend and many others...Since 2003 he has performed more than 450 concerts throughout Belgium and internationally.
Mahsa Vahdat (Iran) / Born in Tehran in 1973, Mahsa Vahdat began learning music from an early age. She took piano lessons and received Persian singing instructions from various musicians in Iran. She entered the University of Arts in Tehran in 1993 and graduated with a B.A. in Music. Since 1995 Mahsa has performed as an independent artist in Asia, Europe, the US, and Africa together with musicians from Iran, Europe and America. She has also appeared on stage as a solo singer or with her sister Marjan Vahdat.
Following her participation in Lullabies from the Axis of Evil (2004), Mahsa started a long lasting collaboration with the Norwegian record label Kirkelig Kulturverksted (KKV), which led to a world wide release of a series of records.
Since 2007 Mahsa is one of the ambassadors of Freemuse Organization, an independent international organization that advocates freedom of expression for musicians and composers worldwide and was granted the Freemuse Award in 2010.